Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

What is a Growth Mindset?

A growth mindset means you believe you can improve with effort and practice.
It sounds like:

  • “I can’t do it… YET.”
  • “Mistakes help me learn.”
  • “If I keep trying, I’ll get better.”

What is a Fixed Mindset?

A fixed mindset means you think abilities can’t change.
It sounds like:

  • “I’m just bad at writing.”
  • “If I fail, it means I’m not smart.”
  • “I’ll never get this.”

Why Does This Matter?

With a fixed mindset, kids give up when it’s hard.
With a growth mindset, they keep going.

Your mindset matters too!
If you believe “I’m bad at writing,” your child might believe it too.

How to Build a Growth Mindset

Here are 3 simple ways to shift to a growth mindset for you AND your child.

  1. Use the Power of “YET”

When your child says, “I can’t do it,” add YET.

  • “You can’t do it yet, but you’re learning.”
  • “This is hard right now, but you’re getting better.”

When you think, “I’m not patient,” add YET for yourself too!

  • “I’m not patient… YET.”
  1. Celebrate Effort, Not Perfection

Praise effort, not talent.

  • “You kept trying even when it was hard.”
  • “Look how much progress you made!”

Don’t say:

  • “You’re so smart.”

If kids think being “smart” matters, they’ll avoid hard work.
If they believe effort matters, they keep trying.

  1. Make Mistakes Normal

Mistakes aren’t bad — they help us grow!
Tell your kids:

  • “Mistakes help your brain grow.”
  • “When you make a mistake, you’re learning.”

Try this:
At dinner, share a mistake you made and what you learned from it.

One Small Step for This Week

Use the word YET this week with your kids (and yourself!).

When your child says, “I’m bad at this,” you say,
“You’re not good at it YET.”

When YOU think, “I’m not patient,” say,
“I’m learning to be more patient every day.”

You Don’t Have to Be Perfect

You don’t have to be perfect to be a great homeschool parent.
You just have to be growing.

Every day, you and your kids are learning together.
Keep going. You’re doing better than you think!

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