In the pursuit of true education, aligning ourselves with truth stands as a paramount principle, guiding our journey toward enlightenment and empowerment. As Jeffrey R. Holland eloquently stated, “Let us educate ourselves. Light is not the absence of darkness; rather, darkness is the absence of light. Light and truth exist independently. This being the case, the more light we have, the more independent we are, and the freer we are to choose. With truth lighting the way, we can see and make choices we otherwise couldn’t make.” This profound insight underscores the transformative power of truth in illuminating our path and expanding our capacity for discernment and choice. By embracing truth as the guiding beacon of our educational pursuits, we not only gain clarity of vision but also cultivate the autonomy and freedom to navigate life’s complexities with confidence and conviction. In essence, aligning ourselves with truth is not merely a facet of true education—it is the very essence of it, laying the foundation for a life of wisdom, integrity, and purpose.
The Genius of Natural Law
Imagine you become a United States Senator. One day, another Senator reads a bill expressing concern about too many broken bones caused by people falling. The Senator proposes a law that ensures anyone who falls will gently float to the ground without harmful impact. Would this law work? Of course not. It goes against natural law.
Understanding Natural Law
Natural laws are the eternal laws of God. They are predictable, dependable, and repeatable. When we follow them, we find success and freedom. If we violate them, we reap natural consequences. These laws are above human laws and can also be called Nature’s Law (as found in the Declaration of Independence), Divine Law, or Truth. They embody morality, common sense, and reasonable thinking—the way things truly are.
Thomas Jefferson referred to natural law when he wrote, “We hold these TRUTHS to be self-evident.” During the Founding Era, major colleges offered courses in Natural Law, highlighting its importance. Natural law includes revealed laws (scripture), scientific laws (such as gravity), and other true principles. The Founders of the United States studied the Bible extensively and were influenced by philosophers like Locke, Blackstone, Pufendorf, and Cicero.
Cicero and Natural Law
Cicero lived about 100 years before Christ. He was a prominent lawyer in Rome and became the consul, the highest office in the country. Cicero advocated a republican form of government and taught that man-made laws should not go against God’s laws. He defined natural law as “right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting…we cannot be freed from its obligations by Senate or people and we need not look outside of ourselves for an… interpreter of it…There will be one maker and one ruler, that is God, over us all, for He is the author of this law.”
Scriptural Foundation of Natural Law
Cicero recognized through reason the two natural laws that Jesus taught as the greatest commandments: to love God and to love our neighbors. These laws are examples of revealed law, a kind of natural law. The founders understood that people are not above natural or divine law, and the proper role of government is to protect these laws and rights—not grant them.
Practical Illustrations of Natural Law
To illustrate the concept of natural law, consider the following scenario: Taking something from one person and giving it to another would be seen as unjust. This action violates natural law. Just as it is absurd to legislate against the law of gravity, it is equally ridiculous to enact laws permitting theft or murder. Such laws, which go against natural law, erode our freedoms. The more laws that break natural law, the more freedom we lose.
Divine Law and Its Consequences
President Russell M. Nelson emphasized that divine law is incontrovertible and irrefutable. Obeying God’s laws leads to blessings while breaking them results in penalties. President Nelson illustrated this with a story from his medical career, showing that even divine intervention works within the bounds of God’s laws. He stated, “When God’s laws are obeyed, relevant blessings always result! Blessings are always predicated upon obedience to applicable law.”
Aligning ourselves with truth and natural law is the cornerstone of true education. It illuminates our path, expands our choices, and empowers us to live with wisdom, integrity, and purpose. By fostering a love for truth in our educational practices, especially within the homeschooling environment, we can cultivate a generation of independent, enlightened, and empowered individuals ready to navigate the complexities of life with confidence and conviction. Let us embrace truth as the guiding beacon in our journey of education, and in doing so, unlock the boundless potential within each learner.