As homeschool moms, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.
There’s so much to juggle—lessons, chores, and emotions. But real success comes from focusing on what we can control.
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf said it perfectly:
“Success means doing well those things over which you have control.”
The famous Serenity Prayer reminds us:
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”
When we focus on what we can control, life feels light and joyful. When we don’t, we are miserable.
My Business, Your Business, and God’s Business
Byron Katie teaches that there are three types of “business”:
- My Business: What I can control.
- Your Business: What others control.
- God’s Business: What no one can control.
When we focus on our business, we have power. When we focus on others’ business or God’s business, we feel powerless and frustrated.
What I Can Control
- My attitude and responses.
- The lessons I plan and teach.
- Setting expectations and consequences for behavior.
- How I handle interruptions or challenges.
- Taking care of my own needs.
What I Can’t Control
- My child’s mood or reaction to lessons.
- How quickly they learn.
- Opinions of others about homeschooling.
- Unexpected life events that disrupt our plans.
Clear Expectations Teach Responsibility
Setting clear expectations helps us focus on what we can control. It also teaches our children responsibility.
For example:
- Screen Time: Set limits on when and how long.
- Routines: Establish regular school and chore times.
- Behavior: Teach respectful communication.
Choose Courage Over Control
When we stay in our business, we reduce stress and increase peace.
We can trust God with what’s out of our control and courageously focus on what we can change.
That’s the key to joyful homeschooling.
Let’s keep it simple:
Do your best in the areas you can control.
Let go of the rest.
That’s where real success is found.